The range of therapies in the Center for Advanced Medicine
In general, treatment of cancer and chronic diseases such as borreliosis (Lyme disease), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, Crohn’s disease and allergies is usually defined by the nature of the symptoms. This means that modern medicine is mostly concerned with alleviating the symptoms of the disease, such as pain, but neglects to investigate the causes of the disease so that the root cause of the disorder can be addressed, and ideally cured.
In contrast, using comprehensive diagnostics we have set ourselves the task of analysing the trigger mechanisms for the respective diseases of our patients, so that we can proceed with therapies with a clear objective and various proven therapeutic forms from conventional medicine, complementary medicine and natural healing methods and on occasion unique treatment concepts and combinations to help the organism help itself.
Because our human body is already equipped with a wide range of regulating mechanisms and (self-)healing programmes, which can be assisted in an enormous variety of ways.
In this context “Expertise” is of prime importance. In our Center for Advanced Medicine we can now look back on 40 years of experience in the field, and offer you only the best and most promising therapies and methods that are capable of delivering profound results.
Let us advise you. This is your first step back to health.