Specified diet

Specified diet

Individual, specified diet to promote self healing

Specified diet

A diet that is optimised and specified for your healing. Besides a therapy schedule which is tailored to you personally, a well-chosen, individual nutrition concept supports the self-healing process.

At our Center for Advanced Medicine in Frankfurt, we advise you holistically and in parallel with your treatments for chronic diseases and also in support of the alternative cancer therapy we will counsel you on various forms of nutrition, all of which are intended to mobilise your self-healing powers and inhibit cancer growth: Budwig diet, Gerson diet, Ketogenic diet, Breuss cure, Psycho-oncology, Cancer diagnosis: It is not only the body that needs treatment and support, the mind and spirit need them too The diagnosis and therapy usually entail enormous shock and many stresses not only on the physical level for anybody who receives them and for their family and friends.
Thanks to our ultramodern, comprehensive range of therapies, these days a cancerous process can surely be classified as a chronic disease.
But of course it is accompanied by massive change in every aspect of the patient’s life, which itself is enormously stressful both for the patient himself and for his family, friends and work colleagues.

The schedule of his life is changed completely, priorities must be reorganised, and of course:
Fear, often even panic are constant companions.
On top of this, as patients we are frequently confronted with an abundance of conflicting opinions and advice, and conventional medicine – regrettable but true – very often also responds with threats implying that only conventional treatments can bring success.
This only serves to make the patient even more anxious than he was already, in view of this crisis.
You must fix your eyes on new possibilities, discover your own powers – we will help you!
We will assist you as your guide with personal counsel in all questions.
During, but also after a serious cancer-related disease, we help you and your loved ones to reduce psychological stress, regain or increase your vitality and vital force, including mentally, and to improve your overall health further.
We will address your individual concerns and needs with compassion and sensitivity, and help you to live your life with renewed courage and strength.
By familiarising you with and teaching you techniques of the mind we can help you to alleviate your pain further, activate your inner self-healing forces to overcome a disease and use relaxation strategies to find a balanced inner centre.
We will also be glad to advise you about special dietary options, which promote your metabolic processes and increase your feeling of wellbeing.
We are there to answer your questions – please talk frankly to us.
We are delighted if we can also help you spiritually and help you to heal completely.

Do you have any questions or would you like further information? Then you are welcome to write to us or call us.
Our staff will answer your request quickly and competently. We will also be happy to call you back by telephone to provide you with individual advice.

Please write to us. We are gladly there for you.

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    Zentrum der Erweiterten Medizin