The first therapy is finally being used in Germany.
The Centre for Advanced Medicine informs:
Vitamin C high-dose therapy protects and massively strengthens the immune system
The Centre for Advanced Medicine provides information about the possibilities of high-dose vitamin C infusion in practice.
The extracorporeal hyperthermia perfusion for the treatment of Lyme disease
The combination therapy method “EHP” shows a new treatment option for Lyme disease patients.
Oxyvenation and oxygen ozone therapy protect and increase our immune system
The Centre for Advanced Medicine provides up-to-date information on the benefits of oxygen therapies in times of increased demands on our immune system.
New groundbreaking therapy for cancer patients: extracorporeal hyperthermia perfusion (EHP®)
The EHP procedure supports and relieves patients during and after chemotherapy, reduces physical stress and massively strengthens the immune system.