TPS® – Transcranial Pulse Stimulation
The TPS® treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia Approved, effective and safe.
For the first time there is a clinically approved therapy for patients with Alzheimer’s dementia in Germany.
Transcranial pulse stimulation” (TPS) can significantly improve the diseased brain functions of patients with Alzheimer’s dementia.
As early as the mid-1990s, doctors and scientists recognised the effectiveness of shock waves in peripheral neurological diseases such as post-traumatic spasms, spastic paralysis, waking coma states and polyneuropathy (Dr Lohse-Busch, Bad Krozingen). After many years of research and development by Storz Medical AG, Switzerland, the first clinical treatments of patients with Alzheimer’s disease with the NEUROLITH® system took place in 2014. In 2018, Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS®) with the NEUROLITH® system was the first and so far only procedure of its kind worldwide to receive approval for the “treatment of the central nervous system of patients with Alzheimer’s disease”.
With TPS® the brain regions can be stimulated up to 8 cm deep. The extremely short stimulation time prevents the risk of tissue heating in the brain. This means that the impulses can act on the region to be treated with maximum clinical efficiency.
The TPS® treatment takes place through the closed skull. During the 30-minute treatment, the patient sits relaxed in a treatment chair and can move freely. A head shave is not necessary!
So far, the so-called CERAD test (a specially developed, multi-stage questionnaire to determine the stage of Alzheimer’s dementia) has shown significant increases and a reduction in depression (Becks Depression Index) in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia. In the meantime, more than 1,500 treatment sessions have been carried out with the NEUROLITH® system. No side effects have occurred.
Aim of the TPS® for mild Alzheimer’s dementia:
The patients should be able to remember the contents of conversations better or find objects that have been discarded more easily. Disorders of planning and organising thinking, formulation and orientation disorders should also be improved.
The aim of TPS® in moderately severe Alzheimer’s dementia:
The aim here is to counteract the limitations of memory, thinking and orientation in the sufferers in order to improve their independent lifestyle. The patients should be enabled to communicate better with their environment.
Note and outlook:
Following the latest treatment successes, neurological disease patterns such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries are now also a focus of further clinical research and development with Transcranial Pulse Stimulation” (TPS®).
Do you have any questions or would you like further information? Then you are welcome to write to us or call us.
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Please write to us. We are gladly there for you.