The capabilities of Advanced Medicine
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The capabilities of Advanced Medicine

The capabilities of Advanced MedicineAdvanced Medicine combines the best possible therapies, methods and procedures of traditional healing arts with appropriate conventional medical knowledge and the very latest developments in high-tech medicine.
The primary objective when disease occurs – as summarised in “The 7 Pillars of Advanced Medicine” – is to treat the whole person as gently and at the same time as effectively as possible. In this context, the organism must first be analysed thoroughly and individually with laboratory examinations and other measurements, with due consideration for the patient’s psyche and living situation.

Advanced Medicine relies mainly on therapy with natural, biological remedies and tested, proven methods, which administers in conjunction with the latest technologies. Accordingly, Advanced Medicine represents the gentlest concept imaginable in modern medicine. In the realm of prevention it can be a real “feel-good medicine”.

What other capabilities does alternative medicine have?

  • Finding the body’s weakpoints and targeting them for treatment
  • Finding and correcting deficiencies and disturbances
  • Detecting and analysing the complexity of the associated (patient-typical) metabolic processes
  • Discerning “unclear” syndromes and define therapy options

What advantages does care by our skilled medical team offer?

  • Extensive diagnostic capabilities, far exceeding the scope of classic medicine
  • Alternative care, holistic in nature
  • Specialisations in many fields
  • Biologically orientated medicine
  • Diagnosis of complaints for which a “clear definition of the disease”

Why do we talk about extending medicine?

Despite the remarkable achievements in many areas of medicine (e.g., surgery, transplant medicine, etc.), the diagnostic and therapy options offered by classic medicine are often not up to the task.
The “imaging diagnostic procedures” (X-ray, CT, PET, MRI, etc.) in classic medicine are very successful, but for a variety of reasons patients often overestimate their informative value.
In the end, there are a number of health disorders which are paradoxically very often “misdiagnosed” with classic medicine.
For many diseases and disorders there are simply no clear descriptions of the condition.
This is often because the condition is founded on not just one but several or even many causes, which are very difficult to detect due to the complexity of the metabolic processes.
In contrast, Advanced Medicine knows many diagnostic methods which analyse the patient on various levels, so that then a targeted, effective therapy concept can be applied.

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